Tuesday 6 April 2010

Prosperity Costs

Who would have thought that the favour of God upon your business could cause sinful emotions to rise up around you, leading to murderous intent in the heart of your opponents? If you have ever experienced malicious opposition in business, this would not surprise you at all. But, an opposition that leads to dying for your faith; is that how far we are prepared to go in exhibiting God’s favour upon the work of our hands? I wonder how the proponents of the extremes in Prosperity Gospel would handle this story and whether they would be prepared to go to these lengths for Jesus?

A man in Pakistan, Rasheed Masih, of Khanewal District, Punjab Province, is reported to have been murdered for being successful in growing potatoes, although, in the process, there is a demand for his conversion to Islam. The man’s success is attributed to his faith, since he was expected to convert to Islam or die for his success. This indicates a hatred for the Christian God who made his land fertile.

Certainly, I believe this man’s agricultural business was successful as a witness to the community around him of God’s favour on the work of his hands. Yahweh spoke to the Israelites in Deuteronomy, saying, “The LORD (YAHWEH) will send a blessing … on everything you put your hands to … Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the LORD (YAHEH).” (28: 8, 10)

I have heard of hatred and malicious practices being set-up against God’s children in sophisticated business environments. Nevertheless, I could not have predicted that fruitful production in a simple garden would lead to martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel. It brings a whole new meaning to “Faith like potatoes” (film based on a book by Angus Buchan). Perhaps the man’s convictions would not allow the glory of his success to be attributed to the name of another god? More than that, perhaps he would not relinquish his personal devotion to a God he knew, in exchange for another god he was not personally acquainted with? The secular world and inter-faith movements deny any difference between YAHWEH and Allah – they are both called “God”. This story distinguishes the devotion of followers and exposes the spirit of each “God”. Clearly, the spirit of Yahweh is different to the spirit of Allah. If they were the same, there would be no need for jealousy or murder, but only rejoicing in a shared abundance.

I was listening to George Beverly Shea last night in an interview (he is now 100 years old!), who wrote a beautiful song that my brother, Rasheed, might have thought, “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold … than to be a king of a vast domain. I’d rather be faithful to his dear cause. I’d rather be true to his holy name. I’d rather have Jesus than anything that this world affords today”.

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